Crimson Cloud

Crimson Cloud

‘Crimson Cloud’ is an installation piece which takes design cues from the double-helix structure found within DNA, with its many layerings temporarily shrouding the visitor from the surrounding streetscape of Bukit Bintang.
The double-helix strands form the undulating roof structure which wraps towards the ground. Depending on the angle of the viewer, its multiple layering of planes allows the structure to be seen as transparent and solid at the same time as one move in and around it. As an outdoor piece, the work takes advantage of the movement of the sun as the red shadows from the acrylic layers gradually change shade over the course of a day, enhancing the spatial nature of the sculptural piece. An intricate shadow play of crimson overcast will form itself during the right moment of the day, creating a mirrored cathedral illusion within the central chamber of the installation.
‘Crimson Cloud’ aims to temporarily change the urban, street surroundings of Bukit Bintang into a place of wonder and delight for adults and children alike.
Crimson Cloud (2022)
Location: Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Exhibition period: June 2022 - July 2022
Project type: Temporary Public Art Installation
Collaboration: Shiseido